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Terms of UseVisit designquery.com for web design and great graphics!


These Terms of Use apply to artwork offered as "free" on www.free.designquery.com or www.designquery.com.

These terms do not apply to the use of any graphics specified to be "public domain" found within the www.free.designquery.com or www.designquery.com site(s). Nor do these terms apply to logos, banners, JavaScript, advertising images, and other items not explicitly given for free by www.free.designquery.com or www.designquery.com.

Unless marked as "public domain", or credited to a specific artist or business name, all of the graphics offered by DesignQuery.com are original works by artist Stacia Query and www.designquery.com.

If there are graphics described on our web pages as "public domain" or "found on the web", they have been culled from other totally free and public domain collections. When they were found by DesignQuery.com, they were being offered as completely free and without copyrights or other restrictions on their use or distribution. If somehow any image has been misidentified and is not unrestrictedly free, it will be removed from all DesignQuery.com pages as soon as this is made known to DesignQuery.com.

Permission to use or modify the graphics offered as "free" by DesignQuery.com is non-exclusively granted to anyone agreeing to and abiding by these Terms of Use.

You are free to use the graphics offered as "free" by DesignQuery.com in web sites or other designs provided that:

The graphics are downloaded and stored on your hard drive or server (you may not link to the graphics on the www.free.designquery.com or www.designquery.com sites).

These graphics may not be included in a graphics collection or archived in any media or distribution method, either for profit or not for profit, under any circumstances without an express written agreement with signature from DesignQuery.com, whether or not such use is implied otherwise within these terms. That being said, we at DesignQuery.com welcome contact about contribution to graphics collections, provided that credit will be given on each image, links back to DesignQuery.com will be included, and fair compensation will be offered for the use of our images in a collection, archive, or other distribution method. (Fair compensation may include non-cash alternatives, such as prominently placed links or advertising, charitable contribution credits, news articles and endorsements, etc.). More information on linking back to free.designquery.com.

All use not explicitly granted in this document requires written permission from Stacia Query and/or DesignQuery.com.

These terms are subject to change without notice. Graphics already in use at the time of any alteration in these Terms of Use may continue to be in use under the terms agreed upon at the time of initial use.

For clarification of these Terms of Use, please contact Stacia Query at www.designquery.com.

Visit designquery.com for web design and great graphics!Terms of Use Updated 5-30-06Visit designquery.com for web design and great graphics!

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